Source code for jldesmear.api.toolbox

#!/usr/bin/env python

General mathematical toolbox routines

The routines that follow are part of my general
mathematical "toolbox".  Some of them are taken
(with reference) from book(s) but most, I have
developed on my own.  They are modular in construction
so that they may be improved, as needed.

import os
import sys
import math     #@UnusedImport
import string
import numpy
import scipy    #@UnusedImport

[docs]def AskQuestion(question, answer): ''' request a string, float, or int from the command line :param str question: string to pose :param answer: default answer :type answer: string | float | int :return: final answer :rtype: str | float | int ''' print "%s <%s> ==> " % (question, answer), reply = raw_input() if len(reply) == 0: reply = answer return reply
[docs]def AskString(question, answer): ''' request a string from the command line :param str question: string to pose :param str answer: default answer :return: final answer :rtype: str ''' return AskQuestion(question, answer).strip()
[docs]def AskDouble(question, answer): ''' request a double from the command line :param str question: string to pose :param double answer: default answer :return: final answer :rtype: double ''' return float(AskQuestion(question, answer))
[docs]def AskInt(question, answer): ''' request an integer from the command line :param str question: string to pose :param int answer: default answer :return: final answer :rtype: int ''' return int(AskQuestion(question, answer))
[docs]def AskYesOrNo(question, answer): ''' one of two choices seems simple :param str question: string to pose :param str answer: default answer :return: ``y | n`` :rtype: str ''' choices = ("y", "n") new_question = "%s (Y=yes, N=no)" % question reply = "" while not reply in choices: reply = AskQuestion (new_question, answer) if len(reply.strip()) > 0: reply = string.lower(reply.strip()[0]) return reply
[docs]def Spinner(i, quiet = False): ''' Spins a stick to indicate program is still working. Call this routine frequently during long operations to show progress. :param int i: selector (increment this in the calling routine) :param bool quiet: optional switch to turn off the spinner ''' if not quiet: sym = ("-", "/", "|", "\\") sys.stdout.writelines("%c%c" % (sym[i % 4], 0x08)) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def isDataLine (line): ''' test if a given line of text is not blank or commented out :param string line: line of text from an input file (usually) :return: True | False :rtype: bool ''' isData = False s = line.strip() if len(s): # only consider non-blank lines */ if s[0] != '#': # but don't count comment lines */ isData = True return isData
[docs]def GetDat (infile): ''' read three-column data from a wss (white-space-separated) file Data appear as Q I dI with one data point per line. A "#" may be used to comment out any line. :param string infile: name of input data file :return: x, y, dy :rtype: (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) ''' try: x, y, dy = numpy.loadtxt(infile, dtype=numpy.float, comments='#', unpack=True) return x, y, dy except: message = "GetDat: error while opening or reading: " + infile raise RuntimeError, message
[docs]def SavDat (outfile, x, y, dy): ''' save three column ASCII data in tab-separated file :param str outfile: name of output file :param numpy.ndarray x: column 1 data array :param numpy.ndarray y: column 2 data array :param numpy.ndarray dy: column 3 data array ''' try: numpy.savetxt(outfile, numpy.transpose([x, y, dy]), fmt='%g', delimiter='\t') print("Saved data in file: %s\n" % outfile) return outfile except: print "SavDat: error while opening or writing: " + outfile raise
[docs]def Iswap (a, b): ''':return: (tuple) of (b, a)''' return b, a
[docs]def strtrim (txt): ''' cut out any white space from the string (compatibility method for legacy code only) ''' return txt.strip()
[docs]def find_first_index(x, target): ''' find i such that x[i] >= target and x[i-1] < target :param ndarray x: array to search :param float target: value to bracket :return: index of array x or None :rtype: int ''' i = x.searchsorted(target) if i < len(x): return i return None
[docs]def GetTest1DataFilename(ext='.smr'): '''find the test1 data in the package''' path = os.path.dirname(__file__) filename = os.path.join(path, '..', 'data', 'test1'+ext) return os.path.abspath(filename)