Source code for SB_MaxEnt.sbmaxent

#!/usr/bin/env python


Entropy maximization routine as described in the article
J Skilling and RK Bryan; MNRAS 211 (1984) 111 - 124.
("MNRAS": "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society")

:license: Copyright (c) 2013, UChicago Argonne, LLC
:license: This file is distributed subject to a Software License Agreement found
     in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution. 


1. J Skilling and RK Bryan; MON NOT R ASTR SOC 211 (1984) 111 - 124.
2. JA Potton, GJ Daniell, and BD Rainford; Proc. Workshop
   Neutron Scattering Data Analysis, Rutherford
   Appleton Laboratory, UK, 1986; ed. MW Johnson,
   IOP Conference Series 81 (1986) 81 - 86, Institute
   of Physics, Bristol, UK.
3. ID Culverwell and GP Clarke; Ibid. 87 - 96.
4. JA Potton, GK Daniell, & BD Rainford,
   J APPL CRYST 21 (1988) 663 - 668.
5. JA Potton, GJ Daniell, & BD Rainford,
   J APPL CRYST 21 (1988) 891 - 897.


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import os
import sys
import math
import numpy
import pyRestTable		# pip install pyRestTable

TEST_LIMIT        = 0.05                    # for convergence
CHI_SQR_LIMIT     = 0.01                    # maximum difference in ChiSqr for a solution
SEARCH_DIRECTIONS = 3                       # <10.  This code requires value = 3
SD1               = SEARCH_DIRECTIONS+1     # for convenience below
RESET_STRAYS      = 1                       # was 0.001, correction of stray negative values
DISTANCE_LIMIT_FACTOR = 0.1                 # limitation on df to constrain runaways

MAX_MOVE_LOOPS    = 500                     # for no solution in routine: move, 
MOVE_PASSES       = 0.001                   # convergence test in routine: move

ROUNDOFF_TOLERANCE = 1.0e-6     # for unit tests

# chisq = 0.0
# chizer = 0.0
# beta = None
# c1 = None
# c2 = None
# s1 = None
# s2 = None

[docs]class MaxEntException(Exception): '''Any exception from this module''' pass
[docs]def opus (image, G): ''' opus: transform solution-space -> data-space: [G]^tr * image default definition, caller can use this definition or provide an alternative :param float[N] image: solution, ndarray of shape (N) :param float[M][N] G: transformation matrix, ndarray of shape (M,N) :returns float[M]: calculated data, ndarray of shape (M) ''' return G.transpose().dot(image)
[docs]def tropus (data, G): ''' tropus: transform data-space -> solution-space: [G] * data default definition, caller can use this definition or provide an alternative :param float[M] data: observations, ndarray of shape (M) :param float[M][N] G: transformation matrix, ndarray of shape (M,N) :returns float[N]: calculated image, ndarray of shape (N) ''' return
[docs]class MaxEnt(object): '''manage the iterative method described by Skilling and Bryan''' def __init__(data, sigma, base, IterMax, image_to_data, data_to_image, G): = datum # measured data, ndarray of shape (M) self.sigma = sigma # estimated uncertainties of data, ndarray of shape (M) self.IterMax = IterMax # int, maximum number of iterations self.iter = 0 # current number of completed iterations self.base = base # default value of solution, ndarray of shape (N) self.image_to_data = image_to_data # method reference self.data_to_image = data_to_image # method reference self.G = G # response matrix, ndarray of shape (M,N) self.M = len(data) # number of measured data points self.N = len(base) # number of points in solution (image) self.blank = sum(base) / len(base) # use the average value of base self.chizer = float(self.M) # ? self.chtarg = float(self.M) # target value of ChiSqr self.f = base.copy() # starting distribution is base
[docs] def sum_f(self): '''returns :math:`\\sum_i{f_i}`''' return sum(self.f)
[docs] def standardized_residuals(self): ''' returns vector :math:`\\vec{z}` of standardized_residuals where: * :math:`\\vec{z} = (\\vec{y} - \\hat{\\vec{y}}) / \\vec{\\sigma}` * :math:`\\vec{y}`: measured data * :math:`\\hat{\\vec{y}} = opus(\\vec{f}, G)` * :math:`\\vec{\\sigma}`: estimated uncertainties of :math:`\\vec{y}` ''' y_hat = self.image_to_data(self.f, self.G) return ( - y_hat) / esd
[docs] def chi_squared(self): '''returns :math:`\\sum{z^2}`''' z = self.standardized_residuals(self) return sum(z*z)
[docs] def compute_beta(self): '''beta vector: ... meaning ...''' pass
[docs] def MaxEnt_iteration(self): '''one iteration of the MaxEnt algorithm''' # Note that the order of subscripts for # "xi" and "eta" has been reversed from # the convention used in the FORTRAN version # to enable parts of them to be passed as # as vectors to "image_to_data" and "data_to_image". xi = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, n)) eta = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, npt)) beta = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # s1 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # c1 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) s2 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) c2 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) fSum = self.sum_f() z = self.standardized_residuals(self) # SB eq. 3 chisq = self.chi_squared() # SB eq. 4 ox = -2 * z / self.sigma # gradient of Chi^2 cgrad = data_to_image (ox, self.G) # cgrad[i] = del(C)/del(f[i]), SB eq. 8 sgrad = -numpy.log(self.f/self.base) / (self.blank*math.exp (1.0)) # sgrad[i] = del(S)/del(f[i]) snorm = math.sqrt(sum(self.f * sgrad*sgrad)) # entropy term cnorm = math.sqrt(sum(self.f * cgrad*cgrad)) # ChiSqr term tnorm = sum(self.f * sgrad * cgrad) # norm for gradient term TEST
[docs]def MaxEnt_SB(datum, sigma, base, IterMax, image_to_data, data_to_image, G, report=True): ''' do the complete Maximum Entropy algorithm of Skilling and Bryan :param float datum[]: :param float sigma[]: :param float base[]: :param int IterMax: :param obj image_to_data: opus function :param obj data_to_image: tropus function :param float[][] G: transformation matrix :returns float[]: :math:`f(r) dr` ''' n = len(base) npt = len(datum) # Note that the order of subscripts for # "xi" and "eta" has been reversed from # the convention used in the FORTRAN version # to enable parts of them to be passed as # as vectors to "image_to_data" and "data_to_image". xi = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, n)) eta = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, npt)) beta = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # s1 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # c1 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) s2 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) c2 = 0*numpy.ndarray((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # TODO: replace blank (scalar) with base (vector) blank = sum(base) / len(base) # use the average value of base chizer, chtarg = npt*1.0, npt*1.0 f = base * 1.0 # starting distribution is base fSum = sum(f) # find the sum of the f-vector z = (datum - image_to_data (f, G)) / sigma # standardized residuals, SB eq. 3 chisq = sum(z*z) # Chi^2, SB eq. 4 for iter in range(IterMax): ox = -2 * z / sigma # gradient of Chi^2 cgrad = data_to_image (ox, G) # cgrad[i] = del(C)/del(f[i]), SB eq. 8 sgrad = -numpy.log(f/base) / (blank*math.exp (1.0)) # sgrad[i] = del(S)/del(f[i]) snorm = math.sqrt(sum(f * sgrad*sgrad)) # entropy term, SB eq. 22 cnorm = math.sqrt(sum(f * cgrad*cgrad)) # ChiSqr term, SB eq. 22 tnorm = sum(f * sgrad * cgrad) # norm for gradient term TEST a = 1.0 b = 1.0 / cnorm if iter == 0: test = 0.0 # mismatch between entropy and ChiSquared gradients else: test = math.sqrt( ( 1.0 - tnorm/(snorm*cnorm) )/2 ) # SB eq. 37? a = 0.5 / (snorm * test) b *= 0.5 / test xi[0] = f * cgrad / cnorm xi[1] = f * (a * sgrad - b * cgrad) eta[0] = image_to_data (xi[0], G); # image --> data eta[1] = image_to_data (xi[1], G); # image --> data ox = eta[1] / (sigma * sigma) xi[2] = data_to_image (ox, G); # data --> image a = 1.0 / math.sqrt(sum(f * xi[2]*xi[2])) xi[2] = f * xi[2] * a eta[2] = image_to_data (xi[2], G) # image --> data # print_arr("MaxEnt: eta.transpose()", eta.transpose()) # print_arr("MaxEnt: xi.transpose()", xi.transpose()) # prepare the search directions for the conjugate gradient technique c1 = / chisq # C_mu, SB eq. 24 s1 = # S_mu, SB eq. 24 # print_vec("MaxEnt: c1", c1) # print_vec("MaxEnt: s1", s1) for k in range(SEARCH_DIRECTIONS): for l in range(k+1): c2[k][l] = 2 * sum(eta[k] * eta[l] / sigma/sigma) / chisq s2[k][l] = -sum(xi[k] * xi[l] / f) / blank # print_arr("MaxEnt: c2", c2) # print_arr("MaxEnt: s2", s2) # reflect across the body diagonal for k, l in ((0,1), (0,2), (1,2)): c2[k][l] = c2[l][k] # M_(mu,nu) s2[k][l] = s2[l][k] # g_(mu,nu) beta[0] = -0.5 * c1[0] / c2[0][0] beta[1] = 0.0 beta[2] = 0.0 if (iter > 0): w, chtarg, loop, a_new, fx, beta = MaxEntMove(fSum, blank, chisq, chizer, c1, c2, s1, s2) f_old = f.copy() # preserve the last image f += xi.transpose().dot(beta) # move the image towards the solution, SB eq. 25 # As mentioned at the top of p.119, # need to protect against stray negative values. # In this case, set them to RESET_STRAYS * base[i] #f = f.clip(RESET_STRAYS * blank, f.max()) for i in range(n): if f[i] <= 0.0: f[i] = RESET_STRAYS * base[i] df = f - f_old fSum = sum(f) fChange = sum(df) # calculate the normalized entropy S = -sum((f/fSum) * numpy.log(f/fSum)) # normalized entropy, S&B eq. 1 z = (datum - image_to_data (f, G)) / sigma # standardized residuals chisq = sum(z*z) # report this ChiSq if report: print "%3d/%3d" % ((iter+1), IterMax) print " %5.2lf%% %8lg" % (100*test, S) if iter > 0: value = 100*( math.sqrt(chisq/chtarg)-1) else: value = 0 print " %12.5lg %10.4lf" % ( math.sqrt (chtarg/npt), value ) print "%12.6lg %8.2lf\n" % (fSum, 100*fChange/fSum) # See if we have finished our task. # do the hardest test first if (abs(chisq/chizer-1.0) < CHI_SQR_LIMIT) and (test < TEST_LIMIT): return f # solution FOUND returns here return None # no solution after IterMax iterations
[docs]def MaxEntMove(fSum, blank, chisq, chizer, c1, c2, s1, s2): ''' move beta one step closer towards the solution ''' a_lower, a_upper = 0., 1. # bracket "a" cmin, beta = ChiNow (a_lower, c1, c2, s1, s2) #print "MaxEntMove: cmin = %g" % cmin if cmin*chisq > chizer: ctarg = (1.0 + cmin)/2 else: ctarg = chizer/chisq f_lower = cmin - ctarg c_upper, beta = ChiNow (a_upper, c1, c2, s1, s2) f_upper = c_upper - ctarg fx = 2*MOVE_PASSES # just to start off loop = 1 while abs(fx) >= MOVE_PASSES and loop <= MAX_MOVE_LOOPS: a_new = (a_lower + a_upper) * 0.5 # search by bisection c_new, beta = ChiNow (a_new, c1, c2, s1, s2) fx = c_new - ctarg # tighten the search range for the next pass if f_lower*fx > 0: a_lower, f_lower = a_new, fx if f_upper*fx > 0: a_upper, f_upper = a_new, fx loop += 1 if abs(fx) >= MOVE_PASSES or loop > MAX_MOVE_LOOPS: msg = "MaxEntMove: Loop counter = " msg += str(MAX_MOVE_LOOPS) msg += ' No convergence in alpha chop' raise MaxEntException(msg) w = Dist (s2, beta); m = SEARCH_DIRECTIONS if (w > DISTANCE_LIMIT_FACTOR*fSum/blank): # invoke the distance penalty, SB eq. 17 for k in range(m): beta[k] *= math.sqrt (fSum/(blank*w)) chtarg = ctarg * chisq return w, chtarg, loop, a_new, fx, beta
[docs]def Dist(s2, beta): '''measure the distance of this possible solution''' w = 0 n = beta.shape[0] for k in range(n): z = -sum(s2[k] * beta) w += beta[k] * z return w
[docs]def ChiNow(ax, c1, c2, s1, s2): ''' ChiNow :returns tuple: (ChiNow computation of ``w``, beta) ''' bx = 1 - ax a = bx * c2 - ax * s2 b = -(bx * c1 - ax * s1) beta = ChoSol(a, b) w = 1.0 for k in range(SEARCH_DIRECTIONS): w += beta[k] * (c1[k] + 0.5*sum(c2[k] * beta)) return w, beta
[docs]def ChoSol(a, b): ''' ChoSol: ? chop the solution vectors ? :returns: new vector beta ''' n = b.shape[0] fl = numpy.ndarray((n, n))*0 bl = numpy.ndarray((n))*0 #print_arr("ChoSol: a", a) #print_vec("ChoSol: b", b) if (a[0][0] <= 0): msg = "ChoSol: a[0][0] = " msg += str(a[0][0]) msg += ' Value must be positive' raise MaxEntException(msg) # first, compute fl from a # note fl is a lower triangular matrix fl[0][0] = math.sqrt (a[0][0]) for i in (1, 2): fl[i][0] = a[i][0] / fl[0][0] for j in range(1, i+1): z = 0.0 for k in range(j): z += fl[i][k] * fl[j][k] #print "ChoSol: %d %d %d z = %lg" % ( i, j, k, z) z = a[i][j] - z if j == i: y = math.sqrt(z) else: y = z / fl[j][j] fl[i][j] = y #print_arr("ChoSol: fl", fl) # next, compute bl from fl and b bl[0] = b[0] / fl[0][0] for i in (1, 2): z = 0.0 for k in range(i): z += fl[i][k] * bl[k] #print "\t", i, k, z bl[i] = (b[i] - z) / fl[i][i] #print_vec("ChoSol: bl", bl) # last, compute beta from bl and fl beta = numpy.ndarray((n)) beta[-1] = bl[-1] / fl[-1][-1] for i in (1, 0): z = 0.0 for k in range(i+1, n): z += fl[k][i] * beta[k] #print "\t\t", i, k, 'z=', z beta[i] = (bl[i] - z) / fl[i][i] #print_vec("ChoSol: beta", beta) return beta
[docs]def EllipsoidVolume(r, aspect=1.0): ''' Volume of an ellipsoid with diameters: :math:`2r\\times2r\\times2r\\beta` * :math:`\\beta`: aspect ratio ''' assert 0 < aspect, 'aspect ratio must be positive' return (4./3.) * math.pi * r*r*r*aspect
[docs]def G_term(q, r, V, rhosq): '''Calculates the response matrix :math:`G(Q,r)` :param double q: :math:`Q` :param double r: :math:`r` :param double rhosq: :math:`|\\Delta\\rho|^2`, the scattering contrast :returns double: G(Q,r) ''' qr = q*r if qr < 5e-5: # avoid roundoff error F = 1.0 else: F = 3.0 * (math.sin(qr) - qr*math.cos(qr)) / math.pow(qr, 3) shape = F*F value = rhosq*1.0e20 * V * shape return value
[docs]def readTextData(filename): '''return q, I, dI from a 3-column text file''' if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception("file not found: " + test_data_file) buf = [line.split() for line in open(filename, 'r').readlines()] M = len(buf) buf = zip(*buf) # transpose rows and columns q = numpy.array(buf[0], dtype=numpy.float64) I = numpy.array(buf[1], dtype=numpy.float64) dI = numpy.array(buf[2], dtype=numpy.float64) return q, I, dI
def _check_value(calculated, expected, tolerance=ROUNDOFF_TOLERANCE): '''check calculated for expected value''' diff = abs(calculated - expected) assert diff <= abs(tolerance*expected), 'difference larger than tolerance: '+str(calculated)
[docs]def test_EllipsoidVolume(): '''test routine for EllipsoidVolume()''' v1 = EllipsoidVolume(1.0) expected = (4./3.) * math.pi _check_value(v1, expected)
[docs]def test_G_term(): '''test routine for G_term() test values are trivial checks comparison values computed from C code ''' # check each internal part and assemble a test case x = 0.001 _check_value(math.sin(x), 0.0009999999) _check_value(x*math.cos(x), 0.0009999995) diff = math.sin(x) - x*math.cos(x) _check_value(diff, 3.333333e-10) denom = x*x*x _check_value(denom, 1.0e-9) G = 3 * diff / denom _check_value(G, 1.0) g1 = G_term(x, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-20) assert 0.0 < g1 < 1.0, '|F|^2 <= 1.0 violated: ' + str(g1) _check_value(g1, G) # |F|^2 near qr=0 _check_value(G_term(0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-20), 0.9510583078) # |F|^2 at qr=0.5 _check_value(G_term(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-20), 0.8163231586) # |F|^2 at qr=1 _check_value(G_term(2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-20), 0.4265352505) # |F|^2 at qr=2 _check_value(G_term(20., 1.0, 1.0, 1e-20), 0.000007388943) # |F|^2 at qr=20.
[docs]def test_opus_tropus(): '''test routine for Dist() test values are trivial checks ''' b = numpy.array((1,2,3)) R = numpy.array(((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1))) # identity matrix print "tropus:", tropus(b, R), b print "opus:", opus(b, R), b m = numpy.array( ((1,1,0), (0,1,1)) ) print "tropus:", tropus(b, m), [3, 5]
[docs]def test_Dist(): '''test routine for Dist() test values obtained from C version of sizes program ''' beta = numpy.array((-0.0287502, 0.0705577, -0.0257728)) s2 = numpy.array(( (-1e+06, 177480, -248889), (177480, -1e+06, -641283), (-248889, -641283, -1e+06) )) expected = 5225.79 result = Dist(s2, beta) _check_value(result, expected) print "Dist:", result
[docs]def test_ChoSol(): '''test routine for ChoSol() test values obtained from C version of sizes program ''' # test ChoSol() a = numpy.array(( ( 89.2816, 16.6402, 55.369,), ( 16.6402, 42.875, 66.8581,), ( 55.369, 66.8581, 124.94,), )) b = numpy.array((-9.72508, 1.72601, -2.42046)) print "ChoSol:", ChoSol(a, b), ( -0.076233, 0.286152, -0.138715) a = numpy.array(( ( 1e+06, -177480, 248889,), ( -177480, 1e+06, 641283,), ( 248889, 641283, 1e+06,), )) b = numpy.array((165268, 31304, 84048.4)) print "ChoSol:", ChoSol(a, b), ( 0.17638, 0.0626079, 6.42578e-17)
[docs]def test_ChiNow(): '''test routine for ChiNow() test values obtained from C version of sizes program ''' ax = 0.0 c1 = numpy.array( ( 9.72508, -1.72601, 2.42046, ) ) c2 = numpy.array( ( ( 89.2816, 16.6402, 55.369, ), ( 16.6402, 42.875, 66.8581, ), ( 55.369, 66.8581, 124.94, ), )) s1 = numpy.array( ( 165268, 31304, 84048.4, ) ) s2 = numpy.array( ( ( -1e+06, 177480, -248889, ), ( 177480, -1e+06, -641283, ), ( -248889, -641283, -1e+06, ), )) # ChiNow: result=0.214487 w, beta = ChiNow(ax, c1, c2, s1, s2) print "ChiNow:", w, 0.214487
[docs]def test_MaxEntMove(): '''test routine for MaxEntMove() test values obtained from C version of sizes program ''' chisq = 4038.84 chizer = 92.0 fSum = 0.00768981 blank = 1e-6 c1 = numpy.array(( 9.72508, -1.72601, 2.42046, )) c2 = numpy.array( ( ( 89.2816, 16.6402, 55.369, ), ( 16.6402, 42.875, 66.8581, ), ( 55.369, 66.8581, 124.94, ), )) s1 = numpy.array( ( 165268, 31304, 84048.4, ) ) s2 = numpy.array(( ( -1e+06, 177480, -248889, ), ( 177480, -1e+06, -641283, ), ( -248889, -641283, -1e+06, ), ) ) w, chtarg, loop, a_new, fx, beta = MaxEntMove(fSum, blank, chisq, chizer, c1, c2, s1, s2) print "MaxEntMove: w", w, 5225.79 print "MaxEntMove: chtarg", chtarg, 2452.56 print "MaxEntMove: loop", loop, 482 print "MaxEntMove: a_new", a_new, 3.24249e-05 print "MaxEntMove: fx", fx, -0.000196529 print "MaxEntMove: beta", beta, (-0.0348757, 0.0855907, -0.0312639)
def test_MaxEnt_SB(report=True): print "MaxEnt_SB: " test_data_file = os.path.join('..', '..', 'data', '') rhosq = 100 # scattering contrast, 10^20 1/cm^-4 bkg = 0.1 # I = I - bkg dMin, dMax, nRadii = 25, 9000, 40 defaultDistLevel = 1.0e-6 IterMax = 40 errFac = 1.05 r = numpy.logspace(math.log10(dMin), math.log10(dMax), nRadii)/2 dr = r * (r[1]/r[0] - 1) # step size f_dr = numpy.ndarray((nRadii)) * 0 # volume fraction histogram b = numpy.ndarray((nRadii)) * 0 + defaultDistLevel # MaxEnt "sky background" qVec, I, dI = readTextData(test_data_file) G = numpy.ndarray((nRadii, len(qVec))) V = EllipsoidVolume(r) * 1e-24 # remember to convert cm to A for i, rVal in enumerate(r): for j, qVal in enumerate(qVec): G[i][j] = G_term(qVal, rVal, V[i], rhosq) f_dr = MaxEnt_SB(I - bkg, dI*errFac, b, IterMax, opus, tropus, G, report=report) if f_dr is None: print "no solution" return print "solution reached" t = pyRestTable.Table() t.labels = ('r', 'dr', 'f(r) dr', ) t.rows.extend(zip(*(r.tolist(), dr.tolist(), f_dr.tolist()))) print t.reST() def tests(): test_EllipsoidVolume() test_G_term() test_opus_tropus() test_Dist() test_ChoSol() test_ChiNow() test_MaxEntMove() test_MaxEnt_SB(report=False) if __name__ == '__main__': tests()