Welcome to Pete Jemian’s GitHub page!#
Various software projects are available.
Some of the links point to old documentation versions on ReadTheDocs.
http://prjemian.github.io/sizes: analyze small-angle scattering data for a size distribution using maximum entropy
http://prjemian.github.io/jldesmear: correct small-angle scattering data for slit-smearing
prjemian/lake: previous C version of jldesmear
prjemian/jlake: previous Java version of jldesmear
Bluesky framework#
https://bcda-aps.github.io/apstools/latest/: APStools for Bluesky
https://bcda-aps.github.io/bluesky_training/: training resources
https://blueskyproject.io/hklpy/: Controls for using diffractometers within the Bluesky Framework.
BCDA-APS/tiled-template: A template for a local tiled data server at the APS.
EPICS: Control Systems#
prjemian/epics-docker: Provide EPICS IOCs in docker images
http://epicsEdgeRoboArm.readthedocs.org: EPICS support for the OWI Edge Robotic Arm over USB (works on Raspberry Pi)
http://pvMail.readthedocs.org: Watches an EPICS PV and sends email when value changes from 0 to 1.
http://pvWebMonitor.readthedocs.org: post EPICS PVs to read-only (static) web page(s)
http://prjemian.github.io/epicspi: Install EPICS on the Raspberry Pi
http://prjemian.github.io/cmd_response: Arduino as I/O for EPICS (such as on Raspberry Pi)
http://bcdaqwidgets.readthedocs.org: BcdaQWidgets: PyEpics-aware PySide widgets for the APS
http://www.aps.anl.gov/bcda/synApps/optics/fb_epid use the EPICS epid record for generic software feedback
http://HDF5gateway.readthedocs.org: IgorPro R/W support for HDF5 and NeXus data files
http://spec2nexus.readthedocs.org: convert SPEC data files to NeXus
http://specdomain.readthedocs.org: document SPEC macro files with Sphinx
http://pyRestTable.readthedocs.org: format a nice table in reST from Python
https://prjemian.github.io/punx/: Python Utilities for NeXus HDF5 files: validation, structure, hierarchy
http://nexusformat.org: NeXus data standard (documentation manager)
http://www.cansas.org/formats/canSAS1d/1.1/doc: canSAS v1.1 data standard for 1-D small-angle scattering data
http://www.cansas.org/formats/canSAS2012/1.0/doc/: canSAS draft data standard for any-D small-angle scattering data
nexpy/nexpy: visualize NeXus data
areaDetector: EPICS area detector support
How I update the GitHub pages for my projects with Sphinx documentation
Some of my projects have documentation hosted at https://readthedocs.org (a.k.a. http://rtfd.org)
GitHub: prjemian
PyPI projects: https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=jemian&submit=search
published: Feb 13, 2024