Backend: abstract base class
.. autosummary::
import logging
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from .. import __version__
from ..operations.lattice import Lattice
from ..operations.reflection import Reflection
from ..operations.sample import Sample
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO: move to misc
IDENTITY_MATRIX_3X3 = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
class SolverBase(ABC):
Base class for all |hklpy2| |solver| classes.
.. rubric:: Parameters
* ``geometry``: (str) Name of geometry.
* ``mode``: (str) Name of operating mode. (default: current mode)
import hklpy2
class MySolver(hklpy2.SolverBase):
.. note:: :class:`~SolverBase`, an `abstract base
class <https://docs.python.org/3/library/abc.html#abc.ABC>`_,
cannot not be used directly by |hklpy2| users.
As the parent class for all custom :index:`Solver` classes,
:class:`~SolverBase` defines the methods and attributes to be written
that will connect |hklpy2| with the support library that defines
specific diffractometer geometries and the computations for
using them. Subclasses should implement each of these methods
as best fits the underlying support library.
.. seealso:: :ref:`api.solvers.hkl_soleil` & :ref:`api.solvers.no_op`
.. rubric:: Python Methods
.. autosummary::
.. rubric:: Python Properties
.. autosummary::
name = "base"
"""Name of this Solver."""
version = __version__
"""Version of this Solver."""
def __init__(
geometry: str,
mode: str = "", # "": accept solver's default mode
) -> None:
self.geometry = geometry
self.mode = mode
self._sample = None
logger.debug("geometry=%s, kwargs=%s", repr(geometry), repr(kwargs))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
# fmt: off
args = [
f"{s}={getattr(self, s)!r}"
for s in "name version geometry".split()
# fmt: on
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(args)})"
def addReflection(self, reflection: Reflection) -> None:
"""Add coordinates of a diffraction condition (a reflection)."""
def calculate_UB(
r1: Reflection,
r2: Reflection,
) -> list[list[float]]:
Calculate the UB (orientation) matrix with two reflections.
The method of Busing & Levy, Acta Cryst 22 (1967) 457.
return self.UB
def extra_axis_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Ordered list of any extra axis names (such as x, y, z)."""
# Do NOT sort.
return []
def forward(self, pseudos: dict) -> list[dict[str, float]]:
"""Compute list of solutions(reals) from pseudos (hkl -> [angles])."""
# based on geometry and mode
return [{}]
def geometries(cls) -> list[str]:
Ordered list of the geometry names.
>>> from hklpy2 import get_solver
>>> Solver = get_solver("no_op")
>>> Solver.geometries()
>>> solver = Solver("TH TTH Q")
>>> solver.geometries()
return []
def geometry(self) -> str:
Name of selected diffractometer geometry.
Cannot be changed once solver is created. Instead, make a new solver
for each geometry.
return self._geometry
def geometry(self, value: str):
self._geometry = value
def inverse(self, reals: dict) -> dict[str, float]:
"""Compute tuple of pseudos from reals (angles -> hkl)."""
def lattice(self) -> object:
Crystal lattice parameters. (Not used by this |solver|.)
return self._lattice
def lattice(self, value: Lattice):
if not isinstance(value, Lattice):
raise TypeError(f"Must supply Lattice object, received {value!r}")
self._lattice = value
def mode(self) -> str:
Diffractometer geometry operation mode for :meth:`forward()`.
A mode defines which axes will be modified by the
:meth:`forward` computation.
except AttributeError:
self._mode = ""
return self._mode
def mode(self, value: str):
from .. import check_value_in_list # avoid circular import here
check_value_in_list("Mode", value, self.modes, blank_ok=True)
self._mode = value
def modes(self) -> list[str]:
"""List of the geometry operating modes."""
return []
def pseudo_axis_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Ordered list of the pseudo axis names (such as h, k, l)."""
# Do NOT sort.
return []
def real_axis_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Ordered list of the real axis names (such as th, tth)."""
# Do NOT sort.
return []
def refineLattice(self, reflections: list[Reflection]) -> Lattice:
"""Refine the lattice parameters from a list of reflections."""
def removeAllReflections(self) -> None:
"""Remove all reflections."""
def sample(self) -> object:
Crystalline sample.
return self._sample
def sample(self, value: Sample):
if not isinstance(value, Sample):
raise TypeError(f"Must supply Sample object, received {value!r}")
self._sample = value
def UB(self):
"""Orientation matrix (3x3)."""