.. include:: /substitutions.txt .. _api.reflection: ====================== Orientation Reflection ====================== An orientation :index:`reflection` is a peak intensity (typically an observation) due to diffraction from a specific orientation of a crystalline sample with respect to the incident radiation. The reflection occurs for a precise alignment of the sample's crystalline planes and diffractometer axes with the incoming radiation. The coordinates of two (or more) reflections are used to compute a sample's :math:`UB` :index:`orientation matrix`. :math:`UB` transforms between the sample's crystallographic axes (:index:`reciprocal-space`) and the diffractometer's physical axes (:index:`real-space`). Each reflection is defined by: * full set of diffractometer angles - *real axes* * reciprocal-space coordinates - *pseudo axes* * wavelength of the incident radiation Note that the engineering units for the pseudo axes are the reciprocal of the units of the wavelength (where *angstroms* is typical). The angles are reported in *degrees*. Source Code Documentation ------------------------- .. automodule:: hklpy2.operations.reflection :members: :private-members: :show-inheritance: :inherited-members: