.. include:: /substitutions.txt .. The glossary is formatted as a reST "definition list". Follow the pattern. All glossary entries should be preceded by index entries. Follow the pattern. .. index:: !definition .. index:: see: glossary; definition .. _glossary: ========== Glossary ========== .. sidebar:: Italics *Italics* are used in these definitions to identify other glossary entries. .. index:: !definition; axis !axis :axis: Either a *pseudo*, *real*, or *extra*. .. index:: !definition; configuration !configuration :configuration: Complete description of a *diffractometer's* settings. Includes *solver*, *geometry* (& *engine*, if applicable), ordered lists of the *axis* names, dictionaries of *samples* (with *lattice* & *reflection(s)*). .. index:: !definition; constraint !constraint :constraint: Limitations on acceptable positions for a *diffractometer's* computed ``forward()`` solutions (from $hkl$ to angles). A *solver's* ``forward()`` computation returns a list of solutions, where a solution is the set of real-space angles that position the *diffractometer* to the desired $hkl$ value. A constraint can be used to reject solutions for undesired angles. .. index:: !definition; crystal !crystal :crystal: A homogeneous substance composed from a repeating three-dimensional pattern. The pattern (*unit cell*) is characterized by its *lattice*. .. index:: !definition; detector !detector :detector: Measures the intensity of diffracted radiation from the sample. .. index:: !definition; diffractometer !diffractometer :diffractometer: Diffractometers, mechanical systems of *real* space rotation axes, are used in studies of the stucture of *crystalline* *samples*. The structural features of interest are usually expressed in terms of reciprocal space (*pseudo*) axes. A diffractometer is a type of *goniometer*. Generally, a diffractometer consists of two stacks of rotation axes, used to control the *orientation* of a *crystalline* *sample* and a *detector*. In a study, while the sample is oriented and exposed to a controlled radiation source, the detector is oriented to measure the intensity of radiation diffracted by the sample in specific directions. .. index:: !definition; engine !engine :engine: Some |solver| libraries provide coordinate transformations between *real* axes and different types of *pseudo* axes, such as for reflectometry or surface scattering. The |solver| may provide an engine for each separate type of transformation (and related *pseudos*). .. index:: !definition; extra !extra :extra: An additional axis used by a |solver| for operation of a *diffractometer*. For example, when rotating by angle :math:`\psi` around some arbitrary diffraction vector, :math:`(h_2,k_2,l_2)`, the extra axes are: ``"h2", "k2", "l2", "psi"``. .. index:: !definition; geometry !geometry :geometry: The set of *reals* (stacked rotation angles) which define a specific *diffractometer*. A common distinguishing feature is the number of axes in each stack. For example, the :class:`~hklpy2.geom.E4CV` geometry as 3 sample axes (``omega``, ``chi``, ``phi``) and 1 detector axis (``tth``). In some shorthand reference, this is called "S3D1". .. index:: !definition; goniometer !goniometer :goniometer: Mechanical system which allows an object to be rotated to a precise angular position. .. index:: !definition; lattice !lattice :lattice: Characteristic dimensions of the parallelepiped representing the *sample* *crystal* structure. For a three-dimensional crystal, the lengths of each side of the lattice are :math:`a`, :math:`b`, & :math:`c`, the angles between the sides are :math:`\alpha`, :math:`\beta`, & :math:`\gamma` .. index:: !definition; mode !mode :mode: *Diffractometer* *geometry* operation mode for :meth:`forward()`. A *mode* (implemented by a |solver|), defines which axes will be modified by the :meth:`forward()` computation. .. index:: !definition; monochromatic !monochromatic :monochromatic: Radiation of a single wavelength. Or sufficiently narrow range, such that it may be characterized by a single floating point value. .. index:: !definition; operator !operator :operator: The |hklpy2| intermediate software adapter layer between :class:`~hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase` (user-facing code) and a :class:`~hklpy2.backends.base.SolverBase`. Connects a *diffractometer* with a |solver| library and one of its *geometries*. .. index:: !definition; orientation !orientation :orientation: Positioning of a *crystalline* sample's atomic planes (identified by a set of *pseudos*) within the laboratory reference frame (described by the *reals*). .. index:: !definition; pseudo !pseudo :pseudo: Reciprocal-space axis, such as :math:`h`, :math:`k`, and :math:`l`. The engineering units (rarely examined for *crystalline* work) are reciprocal of the *wavelength* units. .. index:: !definition; real !real :real: Real-space axis (typically a rotation stage), such as ``omega`` (:math:`\omega`). The engineering units are expected to be in **degrees**. .. index:: !definition; reflection !reflection :reflection: User-identified coordinates serving as a fiducial reference associating crystal orientation (reciprocal space, *pseudos*) and rotational axes (real space, *reals*). Reflections are used to orient a *sample* with a specific *diffractometer* geometry. In |hklpy2|, a reflection has a name, a set of *pseudos*, a set of *reals*, and a *wavelength*. .. index:: !definition; sample !sample :sample: The named substance to be explored with the *diffractometer*. In |hklpy2|, a sample has a name, a *lattice*, and a list of *reflections*. The *axes* in a sample's *reflections* are specific to the *diffractometer* *geometry*. Consequently, the sample is defined for a specific |solver| and *geometry*. The same sample cannot be used for other geometries. .. index:: !definition; solver !solver :solver: The |hklpy2| interface layer to a backend |solver| library, such as |libhkl|. The library provides computations to transform coordinates between *pseudo* and *real* axes for a defined *diffractometer* *geometry*. The library also provides one or more diffractometer geometries. .. index:: !U !UB !definition; U !definition; UB :UB: Orientation matrix (3 x 3). :math:`U` Orientation matrix of the *crystal* *lattice* as mounted on the *diffractometer* *sample* holder. :math:`B` Transition matrix of a non-orthonormal (the reciprocal of the crystal) in an orthonormal system. :math:`UB` Orientation matrix of the *crystal* *lattice* in the laboratory reference frame. .. index:: !definition; unit cell !unit cell :unit cell: The parallelepiped representing the smallest repeating structural pattern of the *crystal*, characterized by its *lattice* parameters. .. index:: !definition; wavelength !wavelength :wavelength: The numerical value of the wavelength of the incident radiation. The radiation is expected to be *monochromatic* neutrons or X-rays. The engineering units of wavelength must be identical to those of the *crystalline* *lattice* length parameters.