====== hklpy2 ====== .. include:: /substitutions.txt .. index:: !hklpy |hklpy2| - the 2nd generation Python package for practical use of diffractometers with the `Bluesky Framework `_. .. caution:: Development in progress. .. toctree:: :glob: :hidden: guide api .. icons: https://fonts.google.com/icons .. grid:: 3 .. grid-item-card:: :material-outlined:`summarize;3em` :ref:`user_guide` .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`install_desktop;3em` :ref:`install` .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`subscriptions;3em` :ref:`api` .. .. grid-item-card:: :material-regular:`history;3em` History of changes .. figure:: _static/fcc-ball-and-stick.jpg :alt: FCC ball & stick model (2017 IUCr 24th International Congress, Hyderabad, India) :scale: 50% Close-up view of world’s largest crystal structure model (an FCC ball & stick model), as displayed at the 2017 IUCr 24th International Congress, Hyderabad, India). Creator: `R. Krickl `_ Note several high symmetry axes. .. _about: About ----- :home: https://prjemian.github.io/hklpy2 :source: https://github.com/prjemian/hklpy2 :license: :ref:`license` :full version: |release| :published: |today| :index: :ref:`genindex` :modules: :ref:`modindex` :|hklpy|: |hklpy.url| :|libhkl|: https://people.debian.org/~picca/hkl/hkl.html :acknowledgement: "This product includes software produced by UChicago Argonne, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 with the Department of Energy."