Diffractometer Geometries#

Source Code Documentation#

Create a Diffractometer for any Geometry.

diffractometer_class_factory(*[, solver, ...])

Build a custom class for this diffractometer geometry.

creator(*[, prefix, name, solver, geometry, ...])

Factory function to create a diffractometer instance.

hklpy2.geom.creator(*, prefix: str = '', name: str = '', solver: str = 'hkl_soleil', geometry: str = 'E4CV', solver_kwargs: dict = {'engine': 'hkl'}, pseudos: list = [], reals: dict = {}, motor_labels: list = ['motors'], labels: list = ['diffractometer'], class_name: str = 'Hklpy2Diffractometer', class_bases: list = [<class 'hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase'>], auto_assign: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]#

Factory function to create a diffractometer instance.


Four-circle diffractometer, vertical orientation, Eulerian rotations, canonical real axis names, EPICS motor PVs:

e4cv = creator(name="e4cv",
    solver="hkl_soleil", geometry="E4CV",
    reals=dict(omega="IOC:m1", chi="IOC:m2", phi="IOC:m3", tth="IOC:m4"),

Four-circle diffractometer, vertical orientation, Eulerian rotations, custom real axis names, simulated positioners:

sim4c = creator(name="sim4c",
    solver="hkl_soleil", geometry="E4CV",
    reals=dict(uno=None, dos=None, tres=None, cuatro=None),

(Simplest case to get a simulator.) Four-circle diffractometer, vertical orientation, Eulerian rotations, canonical real axis names, simulated positioners (all default settings):

sim4c = creator(name="sim4c")

Kappa six-circle diffractometer, simulated motors:

simk6c = creator(name="simk6c",
    solver="hkl_soleil", geometry="K6C"



EPICS PV prefix (default: empty string)


Name of the ophyd diffractometer object to be created. (default: ‘””’)


Name of the backend solver providing the geometry. (default: ‘“hkl_soleil”’)


Name of the diffractometer geometry. (default: ‘“E4CV”’)


Additional configuration for the solver. (default: ‘{“engine”: “hkl”}’)


Specification of the names of any pseudo axis positioners in addition to the ones provided by the solver.

(default: ‘[]’ which means no additional pseudo axes)


Specification of the real axis motors. Dictionary keys are the motor names, values are the EPICS motor PV for that axis. If the PV is ‘None’, use a simulated positioner.

The dictionary can be empty or must have at least the canonical number of real axes. The order of the axes is important. The names provided will be mapped to the canonical order defined by the solver. Components will be created for any extra reals.

(default: ‘{}’ which means use the canonical names for the real axes and use simulated positioners)


Ophyd object labels for each real positioner. (default: ‘[“motors”]’)


Ophyd object labels for the diffractometer object. (default: ‘[“diffractometer”]’)


Name to use for the diffractometer class. (default: ‘“Hklpy2Diffractometer”’)


List of base classes to use for the diffractometer class. (default: ‘[DiffractometerBase]’)


When ‘True’, call auto_assign_axes(). (default: ‘True’)


Additional keyword arguments will be added when constructing the new diffractometer object.

hklpy2.geom.diffractometer_class_factory(*, solver: str = 'hkl_soleil', geometry: str = 'E4CV', solver_kwargs: dict = {'engine': 'hkl'}, pseudos: list = [], reals: dict = {}, motor_labels: list = ['motors'], class_name: str = 'Hklpy2Diffractometer', class_bases: list = [<class 'hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase'>])[source]#

Build a custom class for this diffractometer geometry.



Name of the backend solver providing the geometry. (default: ‘“hkl_soleil”’)


Name of the diffractometer geometry. (default: ‘“E4CV”’)


Additional configuration for the solver. (default: ‘{“engine”: “hkl”}’)


Specification of the names of any pseudo axis positioners in addition to the ones provided by the solver.

(default: ‘[]’ which means no additional pseudo axes)


Specification of the real axis motors. Dictionary keys are the motor names, values are the EPICS motor PV for that axis. If the PV is ‘None’, use a simulated positioner.

The dictionary can be empty or must have at least the canonical number of real axes. The order of the axes is important. The names provided will be mapped to the canonical order defined by the solver. Components will be created for any extra reals.

(default: ‘{}’ which means use the canonical names for the real axes and use simulated positioners)


Ophyd object labels for each real positioner. (default: ‘[“motors”]’)


Name to use for the diffractometer class. (default: ‘“Hklpy2Diffractometer”’)


List of base classes to use for the diffractometer class. (default: ‘[DiffractometerBase]’)