API: The Source CodeΒΆ

The instrument model is described by this directory structure:

 1docs/source         sphinx documentation source
 2pyproject.toml      project configuration
 3qs/                 files for running a queueserver host process
 4src/                Python source code tree
 5    instrument/     root of the 'instrument' package
 6        startup.py  Python code to setup a session for Bluesky data acquisition
 7        callbacks/  receive and handle info from other code
 8        configs/    configuration files
 9        core/       create core components of Bluesky data acquisition
10        devices/    your instrument's controls
11        plans/      your instrument's measurement procedures
12        utils/      any other code for your instrument

A Bluesky data acquisition session begins with:

from instrument.startup import *

The instrument/ directory is described in the following sections.