.. _update_copyright_date: ===================== update_copyright_date ===================== Update the copyright date in all (project) text files. Show the updated copyright ynotices in the `murky` package:: update_copyright_date -dv /path/to/source/murky "Pete R. Jemian" Make the changes:: update_copyright_date -v /path/to/source/murky "Pete R. Jemian" Motivation ========== A software project under active development and maintenance should edit its copyright notice annually to include (or extend) to the current year. This task is often neglected as a project matures when the number of files to be updated increases. Sometimes, the copyright notice in some files is missed. How does it work? ================= The code looks through all text files for lines with a copyright notice. The search is independent of upper or lower case. Consider these examples:: # Copyright (C) 1988-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 2008-2022 NeXus International Advisory Committee (NIAC) Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Junio C Hamano Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. copyright = "(c) 2014-2024, Project Copyright Owner" Copyright 2015 Jane Doe Copyright (c) 1215, 1871, 1973, 1975-1991, 2024 Some Project Owner The code edits the list or range of years to include the current year. For example, when run in 2024, the *years* in these examples are: ================================= ============================================= before after ================================= ============================================= ``1988-2020`` ``1988-2024`` ``2008-2022`` ``2008-2024`` ``2007`` ``2007-2024`` ``2006, 2008`` ``2006, 2008, 2024`` ``2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008`` ``2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2024`` ``2000`` ``2000-2024`` ``2014-2024`` ``2014-2024`` (same, so file is not changed) ``2015`` ``2015-2024`` ``1215, 1871, 1914-1918, 2008`` ``1215, 1871, 1914-1918, 2008, 2024`` ================================= ============================================= Copyright notices share a common format. [#]_ Generally, a copyright notice will read something like "Copyright 2015 Jane Doe." The list or range of years is identified by matching common text before and after the text that describes the years. It is common that the text *before* the years is the text representation of the copyright symbol (``"(C)"``). The text *after* the years is the name of the copyright owner. The years are four digit numbers. .. [#] See *How to Make a Copyright Notice*: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Copyright-Notice Example ======= Consider a file with this copyright notice:: Copyright (c) 1215, 1871, 1973, 1975-1991 Some Project Owner In 2024, executing command:: update_copyright_date.py -s "(c)" . Owner updates the years in the copyright notice to:: Copyright (c) 1215, 1871, 1973, 1975-1991, 2024 Some Project Owner .. note:: This is a comparable bash shell command to *find* (but not replace) all matching lines: .. raw:: html
        $ grep -iIR "(c)" | grep -i Owner
Command Positional Arguments ============================ ``root_dir`` Directory with the text files with copyrights to be updated. A value of ``.`` means the current directory. The value can be a relative path (such as ``.`` or ``../project``) or an absolute path (such as ``/home/user/Documents/project/``). ``owner`` The text to be matched that appears *after* the years. Typically, the name of the copyright owner. Command Options =============== Command line options may be combined as long as any parameters required by an option appear in the correct order. * ``-v`` is the same as ``--verbose`` * ``-vv`` is the same as ``-v -v`` or ``--verbose --verbose`` * ``-dvvs "(C)"`` is the same as ``--dry-run -vv --symbol "(C)"`` (Note that the ``s`` option must come last since its required parameter must appear next.) ``-h``, ``--help`` ++++++++++++++++++ Help for how to use the command-line program: .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date --help
    usage: update_copyright_date [-h] [-s [SYMBOL]] [-y [YEAR]] [-i] [-d] [-v] [-q] [-V] root_dir owner

    Update the copyright date in all project text files.

    positional arguments:
    root_dir              project root directory
    owner                 Copyright owner text

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -s [SYMBOL], --symbol [SYMBOL]
                            Copyright symbol text. Default: '(C)'
    -y [YEAR], --year [YEAR]
                            Final copyright year. Default: '2024'
    -d, --dry-run         Don't update any files. Default: False
    -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)
    -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only), overrides -v option
    -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

    Finds text files in ``ROOT_DIR`` and all its subdirectories. In each file, looks
    for lines that contain the pattern of ``SYMBOL YEARS OWNER`` (case-independent)
    and updates ``YEARS`` to include the current year. YEARS is a list or range of
    4-digit numbers.
The ``--help`` option overrides any other options. ``-s``, ``--symbol`` ++++++++++++++++++++ The text to be matched that appears *before* the years. The default SYMBOL is ``(C)``, common to many copyright notices. .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date . Owner
which is equivalent to: .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date --symbol "(C)" . Owner
Quotes are necessary around the ``(C)`` to indicate to the shell that SYMBOL is verbatim text and not a shell expansion. To match ``Copyright 2015 Jane Doe``, use these definitions of SYMBOL and OWNER in the command line: .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date --symbol Copyright . "Jane Doe"
Quotes are necessary around the text ``Jane Doe`` to indicate to the shell that SYMBOL has both words. ``-y``, ``--year`` ++++++++++++++++++++ The new year to be added. The default is the current year. .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date -d --year 2125 . Jemian
``-d``, ``--dry-run`` +++++++++++++++++++++ A *dry run* shows what changes will be made without modifying any files. .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date -dry-run . Jemian
``-v``, ``--verbose`` +++++++++++++++++++++ Increase the level of progress messages. Warnings and errors will always be reported. Use once to add information messages. Use twice to add both information and debugging messages. More than two will be the same two. .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date -d -v . Jemian
    No changes necessary: .../murky/pyproject.toml
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/murky_tool.py
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/update_copyright_date.py
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/murky_create.sh
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/create_release_notes.py
``-q``, ``--quiet`` +++++++++++++++++++++ Do not write anything to the console, except for warnings and error messages. This option overrides any ``--verbose`` options. .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date -d -v . Jemian
    No changes necessary: .../murky/pyproject.toml
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/murky_tool.py
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/update_copyright_date.py
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/murky_create.sh
    No changes necessary: .../murky/murky/create_release_notes.py
``-V``, ``--version`` +++++++++++++++++++++ Software version of this application. The ``--version`` option overrides any other options except ``--help``. .. raw:: html
    $ update_copyright_date --version
-------- Source Code Documentation ========================= .. automodule:: murky.update_copyright_date :members: