Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Converts SPEC data files and scans into NeXus HDF5 files"""

# this is the main code for the *spec2nexus* application

__url__ = ""

import os
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # put us on the path for developers
    path = os.path.join("..", os.path.dirname(__file__))
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(path))

from . import spec
from . import writer

hdf5_extension = ".hdf5"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


[docs]def get_user_parameters(): """configure user's command line parameters from sys.argv""" # global hdf5_extension import argparse from . import __version__ doc = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] doc += "\n URL: " + __url__ doc += "\n v" + __version__ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="spec2nexus", description=doc) parser.add_argument( "infile", action="store", nargs="+", help="SPEC data file name(s)" ) msg = "NeXus HDF5 output file extension" msg += ", default = %s" % hdf5_extension parser.add_argument( "-e", "--hdf5-extension", action="store", dest="hdf5_extension", help=msg, default=hdf5_extension, ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force-overwrite", action="store_true", dest="force_write", help="overwrite output file if it exists", default=False, ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=__version__) msg = "specify which scans to save" msg += ", such as: -s all or -s 1 or -s 1,2,3-5 (no spaces!)" msg += ", default = %s" % SCAN_LIST_ALL parser.add_argument( "-s", "--scan", nargs=1, # action='append', dest="scan_list", default=SCAN_LIST_ALL, help=msg, ) msg = "explicitly set the output file (default is same as input file, " msg += "but with the .spec extension changed to .hdf5)" parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", nargs=1, action="store", dest="output_filename", help=msg) # parser.add_argument('-t', # '--tree-only', # action='store_true', # dest='tree_only', # help='print NeXus/HDF5 node tree (does not save to a file)', # default=False) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.set_defaults(reporting_level=REPORTING_STANDARD) msg = "suppress all program output (except errors)" msg += ", do not use with --verbose option" group.add_argument( "--quiet", dest="reporting_level", action="store_const", const=REPORTING_QUIET, help=msg, ) msg = "print more program output" msg += ", do not use with --quiet option" group.add_argument( "--verbose", dest="reporting_level", action="store_const", const=REPORTING_VERBOSE, help=msg, ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs]def parse_scan_list_spec(scan_list_spec): """parses the argument of the -s option, returns a scan number list""" # can this be simpler? sl = scan_list_spec[0].split(",") scan_list = [] for item in sl: sublist = item.split("-") if len(sublist) == 1: scan_list.append(int(sublist[0])) elif len(sublist) == 2: scan_list += range(int(sublist[0]), int(sublist[1]) + 1) else: raise ValueError("improper scan list specifier: " + sublist) sl = [] for item in sorted(scan_list): if item not in sl: sl.append(item) return sl
[docs]def pick_scans(all_scans, opt_scan_list): """ edit opt_scan_list for the scans to be converted To be converted, a scan number must be first specified in opt_scan_list and then all_scans is checked to make sure that scan exists. The final list is returned. """ if opt_scan_list == SCAN_LIST_ALL: scan_list = all_scans else: scan_list = map(str, opt_scan_list) # for item in scan_list: # if str(item) not in all_scans: # scan_list.remove(item) scan_list = [item for item in scan_list if str(item) in all_scans] return scan_list
[docs]def main(): """entry point for command-line interface""" user_parms = get_user_parameters() spec_data_file_name_list = user_parms.infile if user_parms.scan_list != SCAN_LIST_ALL: user_parms.scan_list = parse_scan_list_spec(user_parms.scan_list) if not user_parms.hdf5_extension.startswith(os.extsep): user_parms.hdf5_extension = os.extsep + user_parms.hdf5_extension for spec_data_file_name in spec_data_file_name_list: if not os.path.exists(spec_data_file_name): msg = "File not found: " + spec_data_file_name print(msg) continue if user_parms.reporting_level in (REPORTING_STANDARD, REPORTING_VERBOSE,): print("reading SPEC data file: " + spec_data_file_name) spec_data = spec.SpecDataFile(spec_data_file_name) all_scans = spec_data.getScanNumbers() scan_list = list(pick_scans(all_scans, user_parms.scan_list)) if user_parms.reporting_level in (REPORTING_VERBOSE): print(" discovered %d scans" % len(spec_data.scans.keys())) print(" converting scan number(s): " + ", ".join(map(str, scan_list))) basename = os.path.splitext(spec_data_file_name)[0] if user_parms.output_filename is None: nexus_output_file_name = basename + user_parms.hdf5_extension else: nexus_output_file_name = user_parms.output_filename[0] if user_parms.force_write or not os.path.exists(nexus_output_file_name): out = writer.Writer(spec_data), scan_list) if user_parms.reporting_level in (REPORTING_STANDARD, REPORTING_VERBOSE,): print("wrote NeXus HDF5 file: " + nexus_output_file_name)
if __name__ == "__main__": main() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2014-2022, Pete R. Jemian # # Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------