Source code for spec2nexus.plugin_core

Python plugin support for handling SPEC control lines (such as #S, #D, ...).

.. autosummary::


REGISTRATION SUPPORT (internal use only)

.. autosummary::


# from:
# a simple Python plugin loading system
# see:

import importlib
import pathlib
import re
import sys

UNDEFINED_KEY = object()

[docs]class DuplicateKeyError(KeyError): """Cannot add more than one plugin for the same control key."""
[docs]def install_user_plugin(plugin_file): """ Install plugin(s) from a Python file. Potentially dangerous since this is an import of a user-created file. """ plugin = pathlib.Path(plugin_file).absolute() if not plugin.exists(): raise FileExistsError(plugin_file) # From the example in the importlib documentation: # spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(plugin.stem, plugin) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[plugin.stem] = module spec.loader.exec_module(module)
[docs]class PluginMounter(type): """ (internal) Register and initiate all plugins subclassed from PluginBase. .. autosummary:: ~_enroll Acts as a metaclass which creates anything inheriting from PluginBase. A plugin mount point derived from: """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): """Called when a PluginBase derived class is imported.""" if not hasattr(cls, "plugins"): # Called when the metaclass is first instantiated cls.plugins = [] cls.known_keys = {} cls.lazy_attributes = [] else: # Called when a plugin class is imported cls._enroll(cls) def _enroll(cls, plugin): """ Add the plugin to the plugin list and perform any registration logic. Expects to find these attributes: * ``.key`` (``str``) * ``.scan_attributes_defined`` (``list of str``) """ # create a plugin instance and store it control_line_handler = plugin() # save the plugin reference cls.plugins.append(control_line_handler) cls.known_keys[control_line_handler.key] = control_line_handler for attr in control_line_handler.scan_attributes_defined: if attr not in cls.lazy_attributes: cls.lazy_attributes.append(attr)
[docs]class ControlLineBase(metaclass=PluginMounter): """ Base class for SPEC data file control line handler plugins. Define a subclass of :class:`~spec2nexus.plugin_core.ControlLineBase` for each different type of control line. Refer to the supplied plugins (such as :mod:`spec2nexus.plugins.spec_common`) for examples. In each such class, it is necessary to: * define a string value for the ``key`` (class attribute) * override the definition of :meth:`process` As each subclass is imported, the metaclass keyword argument above automatically registers the plugin handler and its associated control line key. It is optional to: * define :meth:`postprocess` * define :meth:`writer` * define :meth:`match_key` PARAMETERS key str : regular expression to match a control line key, up to the first space scan_attributes_defined [str] : list of scan attributes defined in this class returns: ``None`` .. autosummary:: ~process ~postprocess ~writer ~match_key EXAMPLE of ``match_key`` method: Declaration of the ``match_key`` method is optional in a subclass. This is used to test a given line from a SPEC data file against the ``key`` of each ``ControlLineBase``. If this method is defined in the subclass, it will be called instead of :meth:`~spec2nexus.plugin.PluginManager.match_key()`. This is the example used by :class:`~spec2nexus.plugins.spec_common.SPEC_DataLine`:: def match_key(self, text): try: float( text.strip().split()[0] ) return True except ValueError: return False """ key = UNDEFINED_KEY scan_attributes_defined = [] def __str__(self): """String representation of this class instance.""" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"key='{self.key}'" f"scan_attributes_defined={self.scan_attributes_defined}" ")" )
[docs] def process(self, text, spec_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ *required:* Handle this line from a SPEC data file. PARAMETERS text str: ?raw text? spec_obj obj: Instance of :class:`~spec2nexus.spec.SpecDataFile`, :class:`~spec2nexus.spec.SpecDataFileHeader`, or :class:`~spec2nexus.spec.SpecDataFileScan` """ raise NotImplementedError("MUST define 'process()' method in subclass.")
[docs] def postprocess(self, header, *args, **kws): """ *optional:* More processing deferred until *after* data file has been read. """ raise NotImplementedError( "MUST define 'postprocess()' method in subclass" " (if it is called in 'process()')." )
[docs] def writer(self, h5parent, writer, scan, nxclass=None, *args, **kws): """ *optional:* Describe how to store this data in a NeXus HDF5 file. """ raise NotImplementedError( "MUST define 'writer()' method in subclass" " (if it is called in 'process()')." )
[docs] def match_key(self, text): """ Test if this handler's key matches text. :param str text: first word on the line, up to but not including the first whitespace :returns: key or None Applies a regular expression match using each handler's ``key`` as the regular expression to match with ``text``. """ def _match_(text, plugin): """Text is first word of a line from a SPEC data file.""" # ensure that #X and #XPCS do not both match #X full_pattern = "^" + plugin.key + "$" t = re.match(full_pattern, text) # test regexp match to avoid false positives # ensures that beginning and end are different positions return t and t.regs[0][1] != t.regs[0][0] if _match_(text, self): return self.key return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2014-2022, Pete R. Jemian # # Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------