Source code for spec2nexus.plugins.uxml

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#UXML: UXML structured metadata

from lxml import etree
import logging
import os

from spec2nexus.eznx import makeGroup, makeLink, makeDataset
from spec2nexus.plugin_core import ControlLineBase
from spec2nexus.utils import strip_first_word

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
XML_SCHEMA = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "uxml.xsd")

[docs]class UXML_Error(Exception): """Report detected UXML errors."""
[docs]class UXML_metadata(ControlLineBase): """ **#UXML** -- XML metadata in scan header IN-MEMORY REPRESENTATION * (SpecDataFileScan): **UXML** : XML document root HDF5/NeXus REPRESENTATION * various items below the *NXentry* parent group, as indicated in the UXML .. rubric:: Public methods .. autosummary:: ~process .. rubric:: Internal methods .. autosummary:: ~walk_xml_tree ~make_NeXus_links ~prune_dict ~dataset ~group ~hardlink """ key = r"#UXML" scan_attributes_defined = ["UXML", "UXML_root"] unique_id = {} target_id = {} selector = None converters = dict(int=int, float=float, str=str)
[docs] def process(self, text, scan, *args, **kws): """read #UXML lines from SPEC data file into ``scan.UXML``""" if not hasattr(scan, "UXML"): scan.UXML = [] line = strip_first_word(text) scan.UXML.append(line) scan.addPostProcessor("UXML_metadata", self.postprocess)
[docs] def postprocess(self, scan, *args, **kws): """ convert the UXML text into an XML object (``scan.UXML_root``) :param SpecDataFileScan scan: data from a single SPEC scan """ xml_text = "\n".join(scan.UXML) if UXML_PROVIDES_ROOT_TAG: root = etree.fromstring(xml_text) # read root_tag from supplied UXML lines else: # provide default root tag xml_text = ( "<%s>\n" % DEFAULT_XML_ROOT_TAG + xml_text + "\n</%s>" % DEFAULT_XML_ROOT_TAG ) root = etree.fromstring(xml_text) scan.UXML_root = root # validate against the schema xml_schema_tree = etree.parse(XML_SCHEMA) xml_schema = etree.XMLSchema(xml_schema_tree) if not xml_schema.validate(root): # XML file is not valid, lxml will raise an exception logger.warning( "XML Schema error in file '%s': %s", scan.parent.fileName, xml_schema.error_log ) # log = xmlschema.error_log # access more details xml_schema.assertValid(root) scan.addH5writer("UXML_metadata", self.writer)
[docs] def writer(self, nxentry, writer, scan, *args, **kws): """Describe how to store this data in an HDF5 NeXus file""" self.unique_id = {} self.target_id = {} self.selector = dict( dataset=self.dataset,, hardlink=self.hardlink ) # parse the XML and store self.walk_xml_tree( makeGroup( nxentry, "UXML", "NXnote", desc="UXML metadata" ), scan.UXML_root, ) self.make_NeXus_links()
[docs] def walk_xml_tree(self, h5parent, xml_node): """parse the XML node into HDF5 objects""" for item in xml_node: handler = self.selector[item.tag] handler(h5parent, item)
[docs] def prune_dict(self, d, keys): """remove keys from dictionary d""" return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k not in keys}
[docs] def dataset(self, h5parent, xml_node): """HDF5/NeXus dataset specification""" attrs = dict(xml_node.attrib) nm = attrs.get("name") data_type = attrs.get("type", "str") unique_id = attrs.get("unique_id") attrs = self.prune_dict(attrs, "name type unique_id".split()) if data_type in self.converters: converter = self.converters[data_type] value = converter(xml_node.text) else: emsg = "unexpected type='%s'" % data_type raise UXML_Error(emsg) ds = makeDataset(h5parent, nm, value, **attrs) if unique_id is not None: self.unique_id[unique_id] = ds return ds
[docs] def group(self, h5parent, xml_node): """HDF5/NeXus group specification""" attrs = dict(xml_node.attrib) nm = attrs.get("name") NX_class = attrs.get("NX_class") unique_id = attrs.get("unique_id") attrs = self.prune_dict(attrs, "name NX_class unique_id".split()) group = makeGroup(h5parent, nm, NX_class, **attrs) if unique_id is not None: self.unique_id[unique_id] = group self.walk_xml_tree(group, xml_node) return group
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2014-2022, Pete R. Jemian # # Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------