NXDL Rules: The XML Schema files : nxdl_schema#

Read the NeXus XML Schema

source code documentation#

Read the NeXus XML Schema


Default values for all NXDL as defined by the nxdl.xsd.


useful optimization for classes


reference an xml_node in the catalog: catalog[section][line]


return closest XML ancestor node with a name attribute or the schema node


return the NeXus XML namespace dictionary

The NXDL_item_catalog.definition_element will provide the defaults for the definition, group, field, link, and symbols NXDL structures. These internal structures are used:


content from the NeXus XML Schema (nxdl.xsd)


node matches XPath query: //xs:attribute


node matches XPath query: /xs:schema/xs:attributeGroup


node matches XPath query: /xs:schema/xs:complexType


a complete description of a specific NXDL xs:element node


node matches XPath query: //xs:group


node matches XPath query: /xs:schema/xs:simpleType

Note there is a recursion within NXDL_schema__group since a group may contain a child group.

class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_Summary(nxdl_xsd_file_name)[source]#

Default values for all NXDL as defined by the nxdl.xsd.

Provide an easy interface to the default values defined in the XML Schema for the NXDL language.


summary = NXDL_Summary(nxdl_xsd_file_name)
class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_item_catalog(nxdl_file_name)[source]#

content from the NeXus XML Schema (nxdl.xsd)


nxdl_xsd_file_name = os.path.join(‘cache’, ‘v3.2’,’nxdl.xsd’) catalog = NXDL_item_catalog(nxdl_xsd_file_name) definition = catalog.definition_element

class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_schema__attribute[source]#

node matches XPath query: //xs:attribute

xml_node is xs:attribute

a complete description of a specific NXDL attribute element


In nxdl.xsd, “attributeType” is used by fieldType and groupGroup to define the NXDL “attribute” element used in fields and groups, respectively. It is not necessary for this code to parse “attributeType” from the rules.

Each of these XML complexType elements defines its own set of attributes and defaults for use in corresponding NXDL components:

  • attributeType

  • basicComponent

  • definitionType

  • enumerationType

  • fieldType

  • groupType

  • linkType

There is also an “xs:attributeGroup” which may appear as a sibling to any xs:attribute element. The xs:attributeGroup provides a list of additional xs:attribute elements to add to the list. This is the only one known at this time (2017-01-08):

  • deprecatedAttributeGroup

When the content under xs:complexType is described within an xs:complexContent/xs:extension element, the xs:extension element has a base attribute which names a xs:complexType element to use as a starting point (like a superclass) for the additional content described within the xs:extension element.

The content may be found at any of these nodes under the parent XML element. Parse them in the order shown:

  • xs:complexContent/xs:extension/xs:attribute

  • xs:attribute

  • (xs:attributeGroup/)``xs:attribute``

This will get picked up when parsing the xs:sequence/xs:element.

  • xs:sequence/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:attribute (

The XPath query for //xs:attribute from the root node will pick up all of these. It will be necessary to walk through the parent nodes to determine where each should be applied.


read the attribute node content from the XML Schema

xml_node is xs:attribute

class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_schema__attributeGroup[source]#

node matches XPath query: /xs:schema/xs:attributeGroup

xml_node is xs:attributeGroup


read the attributeGroup node content from the XML Schema

xml_node is xs:attributeGroup

class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_schema__complexType[source]#

node matches XPath query: /xs:schema/xs:complexType

xml_node is xs:complexType

parse(xml_node, catalog)[source]#

read the element node content from the XML Schema

class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_schema__element[source]#

a complete description of a specific NXDL xs:element node


read the element node content from the XML Schema

class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_schema__group[source]#

node matches XPath query: //xs:group

xml_node is xs:group


read the element node content from the XML Schema

class punx.nxdl_schema.NXDL_schema_named_simpleType[source]#

node matches XPath query: /xs:schema/xs:simpleType

xml_node is xs:simpleType


read the attribute node content from the XML Schema


return closest XML ancestor node with a name attribute or the schema node


reference an xml_node in the catalog: catalog[section][line]


return the NeXus XML namespace dictionary


useful optimization for classes


def __str__(self):
    return render_class_str(self)