Data File Validation#
NeXus HDF5 data files can have significant structure and variation. It can be a challenge to determine that a given file is compliant with any of the rules specified in the NeXus definitions (here, we refer to the the applicable NXDL files and NeXus XML Schema in aggregate as the NeXus definitions). Additionally, there are various releases and version of the NeXus standard.
The first test for any file to be considered a NeXus data file is whether or not the file is a valid HDF5 file. If the file is not HDF5, it is not a valid NeXus HDF5 data file.
In general, validation of data files proceeds through several steps:
Is file HDF5?
Does file contain one or more NXentry [1] groups?
Test the NeXus definitions against the file
Does the file define a default plot in each NXdata group? (recommended but no longer required)
Does the file define a path to the default plot? (recommended but no longer required)
Is the file a NeXus HDF5 data file?
Is file HDF5?#
This is a simple test and is handled by the h5py package.
Test NeXus definitions against the data file#
The NeXus definitions provide specifications for what should be found in a NeXus data file and where it should be found. Some itmes are optional and some items may be repeated.
In NeXus data files, the structure is defined by adding NX_class attributes to each of the groups. This structure must match what is defined in the NXDL file for that group.
Groups must be one of the defined base classes (or contributed definitions intended for use as a base class, but this is rare)
Test each NXentry group agains the NeXus definitions#
In a NeXus data file, there are one more more NXentry groups. Validation proceeds by walking through each of the groups that define a NX_class attribute using the matching base class (or contributed definition).
NeXus application definitions are a special case of NXentry (or NXsubentry) group. If a group’s NX_class attribute has the value NXentry or NXsubentry, that group must contain a definition field. The value of this definition field gives the name of the application definition to which this group (and all its subgroups) must comply. It is recommended to use NXsubentry to contain an application definition.
Base classes are the building blocks of the NeXus structure. Application definitions differ from NXentry and NXsubentry in one important aspect: content specified in an application definition is required, by default. In base classes, content is optional by default. Contributed definitions include propositions from the community for NeXus base classes or application definitions, as well as other NXDL files for long-term archival by NeXus. Consider the contributed definitions as either candidates for inclusion in the NeXus standard or a special case not for general use.
Parsing the XML Schema#
The XML Schema defines the constructs of the NXDL language, the various enumerations, and the default values when the constructs are used in base classes or application definitions.
Parsing the NXDL files#
Application Definitions#