Example 1-D scan#

This SPEC data file (where for brevity of this example, additional content has been removed) is a one-dimensional step scan of a counter named winCZT (last column) versus a motor named Two Theta (first column) using a counting time of 1 second per point. Data collection was configured to include data from an additional counter named ic0:

 1#F /home/sricat/POLAR/data/CMR/lmn40.spe
 2#E 918630612
 3#D Wed Feb 10 01:10:12 1999
 4#C spec1ID  User = polar
 5#O0    Theta  Two Theta  sample x  sample y
 6#o0 th tth samx samy
 8#S 1  ascan  tth -0.7 -0.5  101 1
 9#D Wed Feb 10 01:11:25 1999
10#T 1  (Seconds)
11#P0 -0.80000004 -0.60000003 -0.15875 0.16375
12#N 5
13#L Two Theta    Epoch  Seconds  ic0  winCZT
14-0.70000003  75 1 340592 1
15-0.69812503  76 1 340979 1
16-0.69612503  78 1 341782 1
17-0.69412503  79 1 342594 1
18-0.69212503  80 1 343300 0
19-0.69012503  82 1 341851 0
20-0.68812503  83 1 342126 1
21-0.68612503  85 1 342311 0
22-0.68425003  86 1 343396 1
23-0.68225003  88 1 343772 1
24-0.68025003  89 1 343721 1
25-0.67825003  91 1 341127 2
26-0.67625003  92 1 343733 0
27#C Wed Feb 10 01:12:39 1999.  More scan content removed for brevity.

The SPEC data file is written to a NeXus HDF5 file with this tree structure (for brevity, additional structure has been removed):

 1@default = "S1"
 3  @default = "data"
 4  data:NXdata
 5    @axes = "Two_Theta"
 6    @signal = "winCZT"
 7    Epoch:NX_FLOAT64[13] = [75.0, 76.0, 78.0, '...', 92.0]
 8      @spec_name = "Epoch"
 9    Seconds:NX_FLOAT64[13] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, '...', 1.0]
10      @spec_name = "Seconds"
11    Two_Theta:NX_FLOAT64[13] = [-0.70000003, -0.69812503, -0.69612503, '...', -0.67625003]
12      @spec_name = "Two Theta"
13    ic0:NX_FLOAT64[13] = [340592.0, 340979.0, 341782.0, '...', 343733.0]
14      @spec_name = "ic0"
15    winCZT:NX_FLOAT64[13] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, '...', 0.0]
16      @spec_name = "winCZT"