
Simple scanf-implementation. This module provides an easy way to parse simple formatted strings. It works similar to the version C programmers are used to.

source code documentation#

Small scanf-implementation.

  • Created by Henning Schroeder on Mon, 12 Feb 2007

  • PSF license

Python has powerful regular expressions but sometimes they are totally overkill when you just want to parse a simple-formatted string. C programmers use the scanf-function for these tasks (see link below).

This implementation of scanf translates the simple scanf-format into regular expressions. Unlike C you can be sure that there are no buffer overflows possible.

source: https://code.activestate.com/recipes/502213-simple-scanf-implementation/

For more information see:

spec2nexus.scanf.scanf(fmt, s=None)[source]#

scanf supports the following formats:




One character


5 characters


int value


int value with length 7


float value


octal value

%X, %x

hex value


string terminated by whitespace

Examples: >>> scanf(“%s - %d errors, %d warnings”, “/usr/sbin/sendmail - 0 errors, 4 warnings”) (‘/usr/sbin/sendmail’, 0, 4) >>> scanf(“%o %x %d”, “0123 0x123 123”) (66, 291, 123)

If the parameter s is a file-like object, s.readline is called. If s is not specified, stdin is assumed.

The function returns a tuple of found values or None if the format does not match.