Source code for spec2nexus.diffractometers

Describe SPEC diffractometer geometry #G control lines.

  #G0 ...       G[] array (geo mode, sector, etc)
  #G1 ...       U[] array (lattice constants, orientation reflections)
  #G2 is unused
  #G3 ...       UB[] array (orientation matrix)
  #G4 ...       Q[] array (lambda, frozen angles, cut points, etc)


.. autosummary::



from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import datetime
import logging
import numpy
import pathlib

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
DICT_FILE = _path / "diffractometer-geometries.dict"

KeyDescriptionValue = namedtuple(
    "KeyDescriptionValue", "key description value"

LatticeParameters2D = namedtuple(
    "LatticeParameters2D", "a b gamma"

LatticeParameters3D = namedtuple(
    "LatticeParameters3D", "a b c alpha beta gamma"

Reflections2D = namedtuple("Reflections2D", "h k wavelength angles")

Reflections3D = namedtuple("Reflections3D", "h k l wavelength angles")

# lattice constants, orientation reflections
# most geometries use this default schema
# at least one geometry (twoc) has overrides
    ("g_aa", "a lattice constant (real space)"),
    ("g_bb", "b lattice constant (real space)"),
    ("g_cc", "c lattice constant (real space)"),
    ("g_al", "alpha lattice angle (real space)"),
    ("g_be", "beta  lattice angle (real space)"),
    ("g_ga", "gamma lattice angle (real space)"),
    ("g_aa_s", "a lattice constant (reciprocal space)"),
    ("g_bb_s", "b lattice constant (reciprocal space)"),
    ("g_cc_s", "c lattice constant (reciprocal space)"),
    ("g_al_s", "alpha lattice angle (reciprocal space)"),
    ("g_be_s", "beta  lattice angle (reciprocal space)"),
    ("g_ga_s", "gamma lattice angle (reciprocal space)"),
    ("g_h0", "H of primary reflection"),
    ("g_k0", "K of primary reflection"),
    ("g_l0", "L of primary reflection"),
    ("g_h1", "H of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_k1", "K of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_l1", "L of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_u00", "angle 0 of primary reflection"),
    ("g_u01", "angle 1 of primary reflection"),
    ("g_u02", "angle 2 of primary reflection"),
    ("g_u03", "angle 3 of primary reflection"),
    ("g_u04", "angle 4 of primary reflection"),
    ("g_u05", "angle 5 of primary reflection"),
    ("g_u10", "angle 0 of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_u11", "angle 1 of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_u12", "angle 2 of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_u13", "angle 3 of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_u14", "angle 4 of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_u15", "angle 5 of secondary reflection"),
    ("g_lambda0", "lambda when or0 was set"),
    ("g_lambda1", "lambda when or1 was set"),
    # For backward compatibility, additional angles added at end of array
    ("g_u06", "optional, angle 6 of primary reflection"),
    ("g_u16", "optional, angle 6 of secondary reflection"),

[docs]def split_name_variation(geo_name): """ split geo_name into geometry name and variation """ nm = geo_name try: nm, variant = geo_name.split(".") except ValueError: variant = None return nm, variant
[docs]class Diffractometer: """ describe the diffractometer for the scan .. autosummary:: ~parse ~print_all ~print_brief """ def __init__(self, geo_name): self.geometry_name_full = geo_name self.geometry_name, self.variant = split_name_variation(geo_name) self.geometry_parameters = {} # combined #G terms self.lattice = None self.mode = None self.reflections = [] self.sector = None self.wavelength = None gpar = self.geometry_parameters gpar["diffractometer_full"] = KeyDescriptionValue( "diffractometer_full", "name of diffractometer (and variant), deduced from scan information", self.geometry_name_full, ) gpar["diffractometer_simple"] = KeyDescriptionValue( "diffractometer_simple", "name of diffractometer, deduced from scan information", self.geometry_name, ) gpar["diffractometer_variant"] = KeyDescriptionValue( "diffractometer_variant", "name of diffractometer variant, deduced from scan information", self.variant or "", ) def _get_info_dict(self, level="str"): """ Return dictionary for use in various reports. PARAMETER level str : Level of detail for desired report. One of these values: ``pa``, ``str``, ``wh``. Default: ``str`` """ info = {} gpars = self.geometry_parameters info["geometry"] = f"'{self.geometry_name}'" info["wavelength"] = f"{self.wavelength}" info["mode"] = f"'{self.mode}'" info["sector"] = f"{self.sector}" for key in self._Q_names: info[key] = f"{gpars[key.upper()].value}" if level in ("pa", "wh"): info["lattice"] = f"{self.lattice}" for key in "alpha beta azimuth omega".split(): # TODO: generalize per issue #274 if key.upper() in gpars: info[key.lower()] = f"{gpars[key.upper()].value}" if level in ("pa", ): full_name = self.geometry_name_full info["full_geometry_name"] = f"'{full_name}'" if hasattr(self, "lattice") and self.lattice is not None: info["lattice"] = f"{self.lattice}" if hasattr(self, "UB"): info["UB"] = self.UB if hasattr(self, "reflections"): for i, refl in enumerate(self.reflections, start=1): info[f"reflection {i}"] = f"{refl}" info["UB"] = self.UB return info def __str__(self): """ Brief representation of this diffractometer. """ s = [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self._get_info_dict().items()] return f"Diffractometer({', '.join(s)})" @property def _Q_names(self): """ List of names used to define Q (typically: h k l). All lower case. """ geometry = get_geometry_catalog().get(self.geometry_name_full) return [ q_term[0].lower() for q_term in geometry["Q"] if "Miller index" in q_term[1] ] def _positioners_dict(self, scan): """ Dictionary with positioners (keys) and positions (values) in this scan. PARAMETERS scan obj : SPEC data file scan (a ``spec2nexus.spec.SpecDataFileScan`` object). """ geometry = get_geometry_catalog().get(self.geometry_name_full) number_motors_in_geometry = geometry["numgeo"] return { k: scan.positioner[k] for k in list(scan.positioner.keys())[:number_motors_in_geometry] } def _get_Q_dict(self, info): """ Dictionary with all the Q-related terms & values (hkl, for example). PARAMETERS info dict : from `_get_info_dict()` """ return {key: info[key] for key in self._Q_names} def parse(self, scan): dgc = DiffractometerGeometryCatalog() gonio = dgc.get(self.geometry_name_full) if gonio is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find geometry '{self.geometry_name_full}': {scan}" ) G = OrderedDict() if "G0" in scan.G: g0 = list(map(float, scan.G["G0"].split())) if len(g0) == len(gonio["G"]): G = OrderedDict( { kd[0]: KeyDescriptionValue(kd[0], kd[1], v) for v, kd in zip(g0, gonio["G"]) } ) additions = [] for k, kdv in G.items(): if k.startswith("g_sect"): self.sector = int(kdv.value) continue if not k.startswith("g_mode"): continue modes = gonio["modes"] if not (0 <= int(kdv.value) < len(modes)): continue entry = KeyDescriptionValue( k + "_name", "name of " + kdv.description, modes[int(kdv.value)], ) additions.append(entry) # must update G{} in two steps for entry in additions: G[entry.key] = entry if entry.key == "g_mode_name": self.mode = entry.value self.geometry_parameters.update(G) if "G1" in scan.G: g1 = list(map(float, scan.G["G1"].split())) if len(g1) > 1: # at least one geometry overrides the default U[] terms gonio_U = gonio.get("U", list(DEFAULT_U)) U = OrderedDict( # fmt: off { kd[0]: KeyDescriptionValue(kd[0], kd[1], v) for v, kd in zip(g1, gonio_U) } # fmt: on ) if ("g_cc" in U) and ("g_al" in U) and ("g_be" in U): _parms = [U[f"g_{key}"].value for key in "aa bb cc al be ga".split()] self.lattice = LatticeParameters3D(*_parms) else: # such as twoc _parms = [U[f"g_{key}"].value for key in "aa bb ga".split()] self.lattice = LatticeParameters2D(*_parms) for ref_num in (0, 1): template = "g_u%d%%d" % ref_num variant = dgc.get_variant(gonio, self.variant) angles = OrderedDict() for i, mne in enumerate(variant["motors"]): k = template % i if k in U: angles[mne] = U[k].value if ("g_lambda" not in U): _parms = [U[f"g_{k}{ref_num}"].value for k in "h k l lambda".split()] _parms.append(angles) ref = Reflections3D(*_parms) else: # twoc if ref_num > 0: break # at most, 1 reflection is defined _parms = [U[f"g_{k}{ref_num}"].value for k in "h k".split()] _parms.append(U["g_lambda"].value) _parms.append(angles) ref = Reflections2D(*_parms) self.reflections.append(ref) self.geometry_parameters.update(U) if "G3" in scan.G: g3 = list(map(float, scan.G["G3"].split())) if len(g3) == 9: UB = numpy.array(g3).reshape((3, 3)) self.geometry_parameters[ "ub_matrix" ] = KeyDescriptionValue("ub_matrix", "UB[] matrix", UB) self.UB = UB Q = OrderedDict() if "G4" in scan.G: g4 = list(map(float, scan.G["G4"].split())) if len(g4) == len(gonio["Q"]): Q = OrderedDict( { kd[0]: KeyDescriptionValue(kd[0], kd[1], v) for v, kd in zip(g4, gonio["Q"]) } ) if "LAMBDA" in Q: self.wavelength = Q["LAMBDA"].value self.geometry_parameters.update(Q)
[docs] def print_all(self, scan): """ Print All (pa) about this diffractometer scan. PARAMETERS scan obj : SPEC data file scan (a ``spec2nexus.spec.SpecDataFileScan`` object). """ scan.interpret() s = { "SPEC file": scan.specFile, "scan #": scan.scanNum, "SPEC scanCmd": scan.scanCmd, } if hasattr(scan, "epoch"): s["date"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(scan.epoch) s.update(self._get_info_dict("pa")) s.update(self._positioners_dict(scan)) width = max([len(k) for k in s.keys()]) return '\n'.join([f"{k:^{width}} = {v}" for k, v in s.items()])
[docs] def print_brief(self, scan): """ Print brief information (wh: where) about this diffractometer scan. PARAMETERS scan obj : SPEC data file scan (a ``spec2nexus.spec.SpecDataFileScan`` object). """ info = self._get_info_dict("wh") qdict = self._get_Q_dict(info) s = [] s.append(info["geometry"].strip("'")) if len(qdict): label = f"{' '.join([k for k in qdict.keys()])}" r = f"{' '.join(qdict.values())}" s.append(f"{label} = {r}") def _compose_row_(labels): return " ".join( [ f"{k}={info[k]}" for k in labels if k in info ] ) s.append(_compose_row_("alpha beta azimuth".split())) s.append(_compose_row_("omega wavelength".split())) for k, v in self._positioners_dict(scan).items(): s.append(f"{k} = {v}") return '\n'.join(s)
# singleton reference to DiffractometerGeometryCatalog _geometry_catalog = None def get_geometry_catalog(): global _geometry_catalog if _geometry_catalog is None: _geometry_catalog = 0 # must be non-None for next call _geometry_catalog = DiffractometerGeometryCatalog() return _geometry_catalog def reset_geometry_catalog(): global _geometry_catalog _geometry_catalog = None
[docs]class DiffractometerGeometryCatalog: """ catalog of the diffractometer geometries known to SPEC .. autosummary:: ~geometries ~get ~get_default_geometry ~has_geometry ~match """ db = {} def __init__(self): if _geometry_catalog is None: raise RuntimeError( "Do not create DiffractometerGeometryCatalog()." " Instead, call: get_geometry_catalog()" # don't call that here, _geometry_catalog is a singleton ) with open(DICT_FILE, "r") as fp: self.db = eval( self._default_geometry = self.db[0] self._geometries_simple = None self._geometries_full = None def __str__(self): v = "number=" + str(len(self.db)) s = "DiffractometerGeometryCatalog(%s)" % v return s
[docs] def geometries(self, variations=False): """ list known geometries PARAMETERS variations : bool If True, also list known variations """ if ( self._geometries_simple is None and self._geometries_full is None ): # optimize with a cache, construct only once self._geometries_simple, self._geometries_full = [], [] for geometry in self.db: nm = geometry["name"] self._geometries_full += [ "%s.%s" % (nm, v["name"]) for v in geometry["variations"] ] self._geometries_simple.append(nm) choices = { True: self._geometries_full, False: self._geometries_simple, } return choices[variations]
[docs] def get(self, geo_name, default=None): """ return dictionary for diffractometer geometry ``geo_name`` """ nm = split_name_variation(geo_name)[0] geometries = self.geometries() if nm in geometries: return self.db[geometries.index(nm)] return default
def get_default_geometry(self): " " return self._default_geometry def get_variant(self, geometry, variant_name): " " for v in geometry["variations"]: if v["name"] == variant_name: return v return geometry["variations"][0]
[docs] def has_geometry(self, geo_name): """ Is the ``geo_name`` geometry defined? True or False """ nm, variant = split_name_variation(geo_name) if variant is None: return nm in self.geometries() else: return geo_name in self.geometries(True)
def _get_scan_positioners_(self, scan): scan_positioners = [] if hasattr(scan.header, "o"): # prefer mnemonics for row in scan.header.o: scan_positioners += row elif hasattr(scan.header, "O"): for row in scan.header.O: scan_positioners += [k.lower() for k in row] else: scan_positioners = [k.lower() for k in scan.positioner.keys()] if len(scan_positioners) > 0: scan_positioners_new = [] for k in scan_positioners: if k in ("2-theta", "two theta") or k.endswith("tth"): k = "tth" elif k in ("theta",): k = "th" elif k in ("delta",): k = "del" elif k in ("gamma",): k = "gam" scan_positioners_new.append(k) scan_positioners = scan_positioners_new return scan_positioners
[docs] def match(self, scan): """ Find the ``geo_name`` geometry that matches the ``scan``. Look at the data file header if the name is defined on the first comment line, as written by the SPEC standard macro. If there is more than one matching geometry, pick the first one. """ match = [] if len(scan.header.comments)>0: # Stated in the file header? parts = scan.header.comments[0].split() if len(parts) == 4 and parts[1] == "User": # as written by SPEC standard macros # `twoc User = user` geo_name = parts[0] dgc = get_geometry_catalog() if dgc.has_geometry(geo_name): # Is this geometry in our database? var_name = "default" match.append("%s.%s" % (geo_name, var_name)) scan_positioners = self._get_scan_positioners_(scan) if hasattr(scan, "G"): scan_G0 = scan.G.get("G0", "0").split() if scan_G0 == [ "0", ]: scan_G0 = [] if "G4" in scan.G: scan_G4 = scan.G["G4"].split() if scan_G4 == [ "0", ]: scan_G4 = [] else: scan_G4 = None else: scan_G0, scan_G4 = None, None for geometry in self.db: geo_name = geometry["name"] if len(scan_G0) != len(geometry["G"]): logger.debug("#G0 G[] did not match %s", geo_name) continue if scan_G4 is not None and len(scan_G4) != len(geometry["Q"]): logger.debug("#G4 Q[] did not match %s", geo_name) continue for variant in geometry["variations"]: var_name = variant["name"] n_motors = len(variant["motors"]) if scan_positioners[:n_motors] != variant["motors"]: logger.debug("motors did not match %s", geo_name) continue others_match = True for mne in variant["other-motors"]: if mne not in scan.positioner: others_match = False break if not others_match: logger.debug( "other-motors did not match %s (mne=%s)", geo_name, mne, ) continue match.append("%s.%s" % (geo_name, var_name)) if len(match) > 1: logger.debug( ( "Scan geometry match is not unique!" " Picking the first one from: %s, file: %s, scan: %s" ), match, scan.specFile, scan ) elif len(match) == 0: match = [self.get_default_geometry()["name"]] return match[0]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2014-2022, Pete R. Jemian # # Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------