Source code for spec2nexus.extractSpecScan


Save columns from SPEC data file scan(s) to TSV files

.. note:: TSV: tab-separated values

**Usage**:: /tmp/CeCoIn5 -s 5 -c HerixE Ana5 ICO-C ./testdata/11_03_Vinod.dat   -s 2 12   -c USAXS.m2rp Monitor  I0

.. note:: sdpecified column names **MUST** appear in all chosen scans

Compatible with Python 2.7+

from __future__ import print_function

__url__ = ""

import os
import sys
from . import spec

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[docs]def makeOutputFileName(specFile, scanNum): """ return an output file name based on specFile and scanNum :param str specFile: name of existing SPEC data file to be read :param str scanNum: number of chosen SPEC scan append scanNum to specFile to get output file name (before file extension if present) Always add a file extension to the output file. If none is present, use ".dat". Examples: =========== ======== =============== specFile scanNum outFile =========== ======== =============== CeCoIn5 scan 5 CeCoIn5_5.dat CeCoIn5.dat scan 77 CeCoIn5_77.dat CeCoIn5.dat scan 5.1 CeCoIn5_5_1.dat =========== ======== =============== """ name_parts = os.path.splitext(specFile) scan_number = str(scanNum).replace(".", "_") outFile = name_parts[0] + "_" + scan_number + name_parts[1] return outFile
def expand_scan_range_terms(scans): # expand range of scan terms into individual scan numbers _scans_ = [] for item in scans: if item.startswith("-"): _scans_.append(item) else: parts = item.split("-") if len(parts) == 1: _scans_.append(item) elif len(parts) == 2: _scans_ += [ str(k) for k in range(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]) + 1) ] else: raise ValueError("scan specifier not recognized: " + item) return _scans_
[docs]def get_user_parameters(): """configure user's command line parameters from sys.argv""" import argparse from . import __version__ doc = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] doc += "\n URL: " + __url__ doc += "\n v" + __version__ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="extractSpecScan", description=doc ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", action="version", help="print version number and exit", version=__version__, ) msg = ( "do not write column labels to output file (default: write labels)" ) parser.add_argument( "--nolabels", action="store_true", help=msg, default=False ) parser.add_argument( "spec_file", action="store", help="SPEC data file name(s)" ) msg = "scan number(s) to be extracted (must specify at least one) a range is allowed: 8-12 (no whitespace around the '-')" parser.add_argument( "-s", "--scan", action="store", nargs="+", # type=int, required=True, help=msg, ) msg = "column label(s) to be extracted (must specify at least one)" parser.add_argument( "-c", "--column", action="store", nargs="+", required=True, help=msg, ) msg = "report scan Geometry (#G) header information" parser.add_argument("-G", action="store_true", default=False, help=msg) msg = "report scan Positioners (#O & #P) header information" parser.add_argument("-P", action="store_true", default=False, help=msg) msg = "report scan Q (#Q) header information" parser.add_argument("-Q", action="store_true", default=False, help=msg) msg = "report scan (UNICAT-style #H & #V) header information" parser.add_argument("-V", action="store_true", default=False, help=msg) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.set_defaults(reporting_level=REPORTING_STANDARD) msg = "suppress all program output (except errors)" msg += ", do not use with --verbose option" group.add_argument( "--quiet", dest="reporting_level", action="store_const", const=REPORTING_QUIET, help=msg, ) msg = "print more program output" msg += ", do not use with --quiet option" group.add_argument( "--verbose", dest="reporting_level", action="store_const", const=REPORTING_VERBOSE, help=msg, ) args = parser.parse_args() args.scan = expand_scan_range_terms(args.scan) args.print_labels = not args.nolabels del args.nolabels return args
[docs]def main(): """ read the data file, find each scan, find the columns, save the data :param [str] cmdArgs: Namespace from argparse, returned from get_user_parameters() .. such as: Namespace(column=['mr', 'I0', 'USAXS_PD'], print_labels=True, scan=[1, 6], spec_file=['data/APS_spec_data.dat']) .. note:: Each column label must match *exactly* the name of a label in each chosen SPEC scan number or the program will skip that particular scan If more than one column matches, the first match will be selected. example output:: # mr I0 USAXS_PD 1.9475 65024 276 1.9725 64845 352 1.9975 65449 478 """ cmdArgs = get_user_parameters() if cmdArgs.reporting_level in (REPORTING_STANDARD, REPORTING_VERBOSE): print("program: " + sys.argv[0]) # now open the file and read it specData = spec.SpecDataFile(cmdArgs.spec_file) if cmdArgs.reporting_level in (REPORTING_STANDARD, REPORTING_VERBOSE): print("read: " + cmdArgs.spec_file) for scanNum in cmdArgs.scan: outFile = makeOutputFileName(cmdArgs.spec_file, scanNum) scan = specData.getScan(scanNum) scan.interpret() # force the plugins to be processed # get the column numbers corresponding to the column_labels column_numbers = [] for label in cmdArgs.column: if label in scan.L: # report all columns in order specified on command-line column_numbers.append(scan.L.index(label)) else: if cmdArgs.reporting_level in (REPORTING_VERBOSE): msg = ( 'column label "' + label + '" not found in scan #' ) msg += str(scanNum) + " ... skipping" print(msg) # report all mismatched column labels if len(column_numbers) == len( cmdArgs.column ): # must be perfect matches txt = [] if cmdArgs.print_labels: txt.append("# " + "\t".join(cmdArgs.column)) if len( > 0: data = [[item] for item in cmdArgs.column] for data_row in zip(*data): txt.append("\t".join(map(str, data_row))) else: # issue #45: no data lines in scan txt.append("# <no SPEC data points in this scan>") header_data = [] if cmdArgs.G: for k, v in sorted(scan.G.items()): # use tab separation to make it easy to pull into spreadsheet columns header_data.append( "#G\t%s\t%s" % (k, "\t".join(v.split(" "))) ) if cmdArgs.P: for k, v in sorted(scan.positioner.items()): header_data.append( "#P\t%s\t%s" % (k, str(v)) ) # str(v) vs. %g or other if cmdArgs.Q: if len(scan.Q) > 0: header_data.append( "#Q\t%s" % "\t".join(map(str, scan.Q)) ) if cmdArgs.V: try: for k, v in sorted(scan.metadata.items()): header_data.append("#V\t%s\t%s" % (k, v)) except AttributeError: pass # no metadata if len(header_data): header_data.insert(0, "# data from scan heading") header_data.insert(0, "#") header_data.append("#") header_data.append("# scan data:") header_data.append("#") # at the top of every file now header_data.insert(0, "# scan: " + str(scanNum)) header_data.insert(0, "# file: " + str(cmdArgs.spec_file)) with open(outFile, "w") as fp: if len(header_data): fp.write("\n".join(header_data) + "\n") fp.write("\n".join(txt)) if cmdArgs.reporting_level in ( REPORTING_STANDARD, REPORTING_VERBOSE, ): print("wrote: " + outFile) if cmdArgs.reporting_level in (REPORTING_VERBOSE,): for item in scan.get_interpreter_comments(): print(item)
if __name__ == "__main__": main() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2014-2022, Pete R. Jemian # # Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------